A back end .NET developer, turned manager, turned developer who has been around the block a few times, I'm usually found deep in the intersection of people and process meets technology. I've been at Xero longer than most of the furniture (not kidding), and love to talk junior talent, sci-fi and how to make things better one small step at a time. Currently leading a small team of possibly deluded developers on a crusade to uplift engineering capacity across the organisation within our legacy codebases.
No matter where you work, what industry you're in or what language you code in, we all have one. The elephant in the room. You know, that thing. The code noone wants to touch. It might use legacy frameworks, it might be a monolith, it might have no testing and it might grow mould. But it's still alive and running in production, for insert key business process here. So what alternative is there to ignoring, groaning or suffering through it? Is there one? Can you begin to make a difference? I not only think you can, but can prove it.